Sunday, February 23, 2014

Short Fiction Exam and Poetry 1

Learning Tasks for Monday, February 24

1. Writing into the Day
Set a SMART goal for Week Seven.  How will achieving this goal benefit you?  What resources or support do you need in order to reach your goal?

2. Study Guide
Continue working on our SUPER AWESOME STUDY GUIDE.

Learning Tasks for Tuesday, February 25

1. Writing into the Day

Create a list of your favorite things.

2.  Review Study Guide
This is our final day of review for the Short Fiction exam.  We'll review our collaborative document and make sure everyone is prepared.  YOU CAN DO THISSSS!

Learning Tasks for Wednesday, February 26

1. Writing into the Day

2. Exam???

Learning Tasks for Thursday, February 27

1. Writing into the Day

2. Poetry Assignment
Find a poem or song lyric that you love or that speaks to you in some way. Share the work with your class on the discussion board. You should also explain why you love this piece of writing in at least 50 words, not including the actual poem or song lyric.
***Comment on at least one of your classmate's posts.

Learning Tasks for Friday, February 28

1. Writing into the Day

2. Language and Poetry Assignment
We will read through Roethke's poem together and complete the corresponding assignment:
Theodore Roethke's poem "My Papa's Waltz" can be read in different ways. What is your reading of this poem? What do you think is actually happening here? Why? Be specific in your answer. Include actual words or lines from the poem to support your thinking.
Your answer should be at least 200 words in length and should be posted to the discussion forum

Friday, February 21, 2014

Learning Tasks for Friday, February 21

Essential Question:  How can literacy skills promote effective communication and understanding?

Objectives:  I can...
-recall literary devices used in short fiction works.

1. Writing into the Day

2.  Essay #2
What lingering questions do you have about Essay #2?  Remember that your assignment is due by Sunday evening!  Do not hesitate to email your paper to me for feedback.  I'm here to help you do your best :)

3.  Review Study Guide
Add your terms, definitions, and examples to this Google Doc.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Learning Tasks for Thursday, February 21

Essential Question:  How can literacy skills promote effective communication and understanding?

Objectives:  I can...
-apply peer feedback to writing revisions.
-assess my unique needs as a writer.

1. Writing into the Day

2. Essay #2 Conferences
You will be meeting one-on-one with me to discuss your paper draft.  This is a great opportunity to ask me ANY questions you still have about the assignment or your draft!

3.  Drafting/Revising

While you are waiting for your conference, you should be either writing or revising your Essay #2 draft.  Remember, this is your last day to work on the paper in class!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Learning Tasks for Wednesday, February 19

Essential Question:  How can literacy skills promote effective communication and understanding?

Objectives:  I can...
-provide critical and constructive feedback of peer's writing.
-apply peer feedback to writing revisions.

1. Writing into the Day

2. Peer Review
Pick a partner and exchange papers.  Use the list of Peer Review questions in this Google Doc to give your partner feedback.  Once you finish, be sure to discuss your answers with your partner!


3.  SMART Goals
Set a SMART goal for yourself as you revise Essay #2.  Remember to make your goal Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely!

Learning Tasks for Tuesday, February 18

Essential Question:  How can literacy skills promote effective communication and understanding?

Objectives:  I can...
-evaluate and address my needs as a writer.
-create a rough draft of an essay using a specific writing technique.

1.  Writing into the Day

2. Drafting
Using a writing technique that works for *YOU*, begin developing a draft for Essay #2.  .  You need to bring at least TWO FULL PAGES of your draft to class tomorrow, so be sure to pace yourself.

3.  Conclusion
Where do you stand with yesterday's SMART goal?  Are you on the road to success?  If not, what do you need to reach your goal?

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Learning Tasks for Monday, February 17

Essential Question:  How can literacy skills promote effective communication and understanding?

Objectives:  I can...
-create a plan for writing.
-evaluate and address my needs as a writer.

1. Writing into the Day

2.  Brainstorming
Essay #2 is due on Wednesday.  If you have not done so already, let's brainstorm some ideas for your papers!  Using a brainstorming technique that works for you (we will discuss these in class), create a beginning paper draft that compares two or more of the short stories we have read so far this semester.

3. Drafting
Once we have an idea for our papers, we will begin drafting.  Think back to the drafting techniques we discussed earlier in the semester.  What works best for you?

4.  Conclusion
Set a SMART goal for yourself as you write Essay #2.

4.  Homework
Continue working on your Essay #2 draft.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Learning Tasks for Monday, February 10

1. Writing into the Day

2.  Reading
We will finish reading "Young Goodman Brown" together, working through the text as we go.

3.  Symbol Journal
How many symbols were you able to identify?  What do they mean?  WHO EARNS THE FAME AND GLORY OF BEING SYMBOL MASTER?

4. Discussion
At what precise moment did Goodman Brown lose his faith?
To what extent are we as readers asked to agree with the devil's speech about evil being "the nature of mankind"?  Do you agree?

5.  Quiz
Let's check your Goodman Brown knowledge!  Take the "Young Goodman Brown" quiz on Blackboard.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Learning Tasks for Friday, February 7

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Writing into the Day

2. Review
So, what's going on with Goodman Brown?  Where's he going??? What's up with the funny language???  So much Hawthorne!!! AHHH!!!

3.  Reading
We will finish reading "Young Goodman Brown" together, working through the text as we go.

4.  Symbol Journal
How many symbols were you able to identify?  What do they mean?  WHO EARNS THE FAME AND GLORY OF BEING SYMBOL MASTER?

5. Discussion
At what precise moment did Goodman Brown lose his faith?
To what extent are we as readers asked to agree with the devil's speech about evil being "the nature of mankind"?  Do you agree?

6.  Quiz
Let's check your Goodman Brown knowledge!  Take the "Young Goodman Brown" quiz on Blackboard.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Learning Tasks for Thursday, February 6

1. Writing into the Day
Using your imagination, follow the prompt directions from Ms. Jones.  You will be creating your own mini-story!

2. Discussion
What is symbolism?  Why is it important?  How do we see it in our everyday lives?

3. Symbol Journal
Together, we will read through Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown."  While we read, you will be completing a symbolism journal to document as many instances of symbolism as you can.  Whoever can identify the most symbols gets a prize! :)

4.  Homework
Signed progress reports are due tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Learning Tasks for Wednesday, February 5

Guess what day it is???

Happy Wednesday, Everyone!

1.  Writing into the Day
Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913.  In 1955, she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger.  Her brave actions sparked controversy, and Ms. Parks is now considered an important figure in the Civil Rights Movement.  If you had been Rosa Parks in this situation, would you have done the same thing?  Why or why not?

2. "Soldier's Home" Quiz
Log into Blackboard and complete the quiz for "Soldier's Home."

3. Great War Assignment
Once you finish the quiz, write a 100-200 word analysis of how Harold Krebs's changed as a result of the War. Theorize who he was before he went to war and who he becomes after.
Post your analysis on the Discussion Board in Blackboard.
Respond to at least one of your classmate's posts as well.

4.  Homework
Finish assignment and quiz for "A Good Man is Hard to Find" in Blackboard.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Learning Tasks for Tuesday, February 4

1. Writing into the Day
Imagine your favorite location, either somewhere you've been or a place you would like to go.  Why is this location important to you?  Describe that place for an audience, giving consideration to the five senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound).  This may require some imagination!

2.  Activity:  3-Card Discussion
Write questions about the effects of war on soldiers, WWI, and/or Hemingway's "Soldier's Home" on the index cards I have given you.  Prepare to discuss and take notes!

3.  Homework
Complete the "Soldier's Home" discussion board prompt, located in Blackboard.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Learning Tasks for Monday, February 3

Happy Lunar New Year!!!
2014 is the Year of the Horse

1.  Writing into the Day
Use the website below to determine and read about your Chinese Zodiac sign.  Do you think the description accurately describes you?  Why or why not?  Make a list of traits that describe you well and a list of traits that do not describe you at all.

2.  Finishing Up
Today, we will be finishing up last week's Library Scavenger Hunt.  See post below for details!

3.  Discussion
Once everyone has completed the Library Hunt, reflect on some of the tools you encountered on the CCCC library website.  How will library resources come in handy this semester and in the future? What tools seem particularly interesting or useful?

4.  Reading
Week 4 assignments are due Wednesday evening and cover two short stories (O'Conners' "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and Hemingway's "Soldier's Home").  Finish reading the stories, if you have not already, and come to class tomorrow ready to discuss the assignments.