Monday, April 21, 2014

Drama 3 and Exam

Learning Tasks for Tuesday, April 22

Essential Question:  How is theatre relevant to real-life?

Objectives:  I can...
-identify elements of theatre in Chekhov's The Bear.
-analyze the plot of Chekhov's The Bear

1.  Writing into the Day

2. Reading
Together, we will read through and discuss Anton Chekhov's play, The Bear.

Learning Tasks for Wednesday, April 23

Essential Question:   How is theatre relevant to real-life?

Objectives:  I can...
-analyze the use of dramatic elements in Chekhov's The Bear.
-recall plot details from Chekhov's The Bear.

1.  Writing into the Day

“In order to feel comfortable among educated people, to be at home and happy with them, one must be cultured to a certain extent.” -Anton Chekhov

What does it mean to be cultured?

2. Reading
Together, we will read through and discuss Anton Chekhov's play, The Bear.

3.  Quiz
Log into Blackboard and take a brief quiz on The Bear.  The quiz has five multiple choice questions and a five-minute time limit.

Learning Tasks for Thursday, April 24

Essential Question:  What elements do poetry and theatre have in common?

Objectives:  I can...
-recall what I have learned about theatre and poetry this semester.
-define and apply terminology related to theatre and poetry.

1. Writing into the Day

2.  Study for Exam

Use this collaborative Google Doc to define key terms and recall plot elements from the works we've read.

***REMEMBER:  You must take the Drama/Poetry Exam by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, April 30!!!

Learning Tasks for Friday, April 25

Essential Question:  What elements do poetry and theatre have in common?

Objectives:  I can...
-recall what I have learned about theatre and poetry this semester.
-define and apply terminology related to theatre and poetry.

1.  Writing into the Day

2.  Study for Exam

Use this collaborative Google Doc to define key terms and recall plot elements from the works we've read. 

***REMEMBER:  You must take the Drama/Poetry Exam by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, April 30!!!

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