Sunday, January 26, 2014

Learning Tasks for Monday, January 27

I can...
-locate information using online resources, including databases.
-select sources for research assignments.
-create citations using proper MLA formatting.

Essential Question
How can library resources help students be successful?

1. Writing into the Day
Consider the following quote:

"Tell me and I forget.  Teach me and I remember.  Involve me and I learn."  -Benjamin Franklin

Thinking of occasions that you have been asked to do something new (at home, work, and/or school), can you personally relate to what Franklin is saying?  How do you learn best?  Write your thoughts for five minutes.  You may also include lists or doodles with your entry.

2.  Online Library Scavenger Hunt
IMAGINARY SCENARIO:  Great news!  Your professor just sent out an email saying to forget about that Essay #2 prompt.  You can write about ANY topic you choose for your second paper.  Although you're not off the hook for writing the paper, this is good news because you now can write about any of your personal interests.  The new assignment requires that you use specifics genres for your sources.  You are required to use a video, article, e-book, and a fourth source in any format of your choice (example:  you can use a video, two articles, and an e-book OR two videos, an article, and an e-book).  As a LEC and Distance Ed student, you have access to plenty of helpful library resources through CCCC.  Let's try them out!

a.  Select a topic for your paper.  It can be anything you want, but try not to spend more than five minutes brainstorming a topic (remember: this paper is *imaginary*).  Ideas to get you started:  hobbies, careers, random curiosities, current events, etc.
b.  Using CCCC's online databases, locate sources for your paper.  Hint:  you'll need to find *LIBRARY* log-in information. Ahem...  You may find it helpful to create a list of search terms for this.
c.  As you find your sources, create a citation for each source in a Google Doc.  Be sure to use MLA formatting!
d.  Oh no!!! You've run into a road bump during your research.  Where can you go on the library website get help?  Take a screen shot of that webpage and add it to your Google Doc.

e.  Let's say you and the person next to you decide to team up after school to peer review each other's papers.  Where could you go to reserve a room in the library?  Take a screen shot of that webpage and add it to your Google Doc.
f.  Save your Google Doc as "First Name, Library Hunt" and share it with me at

How will library resources come in handy this semester?  Do any resources seem particularly interesting or useful?

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