Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Learning Tasks for Wednesday, January 22

1.  Writing into the Day:  Write a letter to your future self and tell him/her something that you want to be sure to remember about who you are now.

2.  Get Ready for Speed Dating! <3 <3 <3
(each other's writing, that is)

a.  Facing peers will exchange papers.
b.  You will have ten minutes to look over your partner's paper.  Read through the paper once without giving any feedback.  Pay attention to your initial gut reaction.
c.  Read through the paper a second time.  This time, take time to mark any places that are unclear or grab your attention (in a good way!).
d.  Make a short list for your partner:  two things that s/he does well in the paper and two things s/he could improve.
e.  When time is up, switch partners.  Repeat steps above.
f.  Bask in the glory of all the thoughtful feedback your peers have given you.  Revision time!

Writing concepts to keep in mind:
thesis, organization, transitions, introduction, conclusion, diction/vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, tense, person, citations.

3.  Exit Ticket:  Keeping the feedback from your peers in mind, what is your plan for revising your paper?  What will you change or improve before turning in your paper?

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