Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Learning Tasks for Thursday, January 23

You're done with Essay #1!  HOORAY!!!

Now, it's time to reflect on your work.  Effective writers take time to examine their finished work and think about what worked well... and not so well.  Thinking about this allows us to improve ourselves and write more efficiently in the future.

Write a TPEQEA paragraph for each of the following (using a quote might not be necessary):

a.  What do you like best about your paper?  Why?  Overall, what are its strengths?
b.  What challenges did you have in writing this paper?  How did you overcome them?  What resources were available to you, and how did you use them?
c.  If you had more time, what would you change about the paper?  Why?
d. Think back on the process you used to write this essay.  Briefly describe your process (e.g., how you prepared, what part you wrote first, how you revised, where/when you wrote, etc.).  What worked well?  Not so well?
e.  How does your process with this assignment compare to other writing you've done?  Did you try anything new or different?
f.  Did you overcome any of your writing challenges?  If so, explain.  What writing goal will you accomplish with your next paper?

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